Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stopping NAIS in its Tracks

Well, the USDA is getting its "ear full," of we object to NAIS. The listening sessions have been very clear in their objections to the program. USDA set out to try and find a "consensus" where "we could all agree" to implement the program. They are finding consensus within their audience, but not in the direction they wanted. Farmers, ranchers and consumers have come out of their fields in the planting/harvesting season, driven to remote areas during work days, and sat in stuffy rooms to say "No, This program is not in my best interest because....."

Recently the USDA's budget for NAIS was cut in the HOuse Appropriations committee. A move that could mean the end of the program, except the explanation given is basically until the USDA can fully implement a successful mandatory NAIS we will not fund it.(That's my paraphrase,not a quote.) How do we make legislators understand the real world of small farms? These are living creatures, not boxes on a warehouse shelf. They have free will, open mouths, and they do not reproduce by mass assembly line. NAIS is completely counter-intuitive to the growing "buy local" movement, sustainable community, "green economy," and "support small business," business ethics. It is in no one's best interest except industrial ag, who at this point is looking for any edge it can get against the growing consumer awakening that safe food is not anonymous. The safest food is that purchased from the farmer, on a small to medium scale, being raised with humane treatment and sustainable methods.

One thing we need to do is to stop speaking to the choir and find a way to reach out to the "congregation." Suggestions?

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