Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Giving Up and Fighting Back

I Give Up:

Life is conspiring against me. I really want to do this educational piece, but it's not going to happen right now. We're coming into show season, market season, and the fight against NAIS is heating up. So, maybe by Christmas I can put something together. I'm sorry. There just aren' t enough hours in the day right now.

Fighting Back:

Speaking of Fighting NAIS, there are some really important dates coming up. The USDA has said that it intends to host listening sessions from those who are against NAIS. That's great, in that we've been heard through the agri-giants "din," but not clearly enough that Sec. Vilsack fully understands our concerns. So, now's our chance to reach out. Here are the dates:

May 14 - Harrisburg, PA

May 18 - Pasco, WA

May 20 - Austin, TX

May 21- Birmingham, AL

May 22 - Louisville, KY

May 27 - Storrs, CT

June 1 - Greeley, CO

If you want to speak, or attend inside the building you need to pre-register for your best chance of getting in. There will be onsite registration, but I expect the docket will be filling up fast.

From the Liberty Ark Action Alert :

"Although preregistration is not required, participants are asked to preregister by sending APHIS an e-mail at NAISSessions@aphis.usda.gov or calling 301-734-0799.

In the subject line of the e-mail, indicate your name (or organization name) and the location of the meeting you plan to attend. If you wish to present public comments during one of the meetings, please include your name (or organization name) and address in the body of the message. Members of the public who are not able to attend may also submit and view comments via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. "

If you can't attend, please contact your elected officials, local newspapers, add it to your blog, spread the word. We need people to come and show their feelings about NAIS and local agriculture. You can send comments through the Federal Portal, at the link above.

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